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Laras Bank - Baby Bank

Laras Bank is an idea inspired by my own daughter Lara, It is a section of our business aimed at helping local family's & Single parents who may be struggling and need additional support when providing for there baby's, as we believe no baby should ever go without 

We are based in Liverpool - Bootle 

What we do 

We offer a drop off point for people to donate baby essentials, things such as:



Unfortunately we don't have the space or man power to accept bigger donations such as prams, clothes etc but plan to in the future 


we also offer a pick up point for anybody struggling to be able to collect baby essentials for free at our base down at 
485 Hawthorne Road - l20 9DE

We are open from 10am - 6PM Everyday


We also plan to donate any excess donations to our baby banks to other local baby foundations which will help distribute them to the family's that need them the most


This idea is only a few weeks old in the making but will progressively grow and hopefully help the people who need it ! 


There is no way to donate online, but feel free to drop into our shop and bring some baby essentials in, or reccomend any family's you know who might benefit from our services


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